Caturday Blog Hop & Giveaway

Monday, October 16, 2017

Happy Caturday, friends! Pretty much every day is Caturday in our home with the two furbabies that inspired this collection, Batman & Chi.

A post shared by Felice Regina (@iamlunasol) on
Caturday initially started off as a sketchbook exercise in drawing cats. I was hesitant about designing a cat-themed collection because there is SO MUCH cat fabric in existence already. But during an afternoon of browsing cat fabric online, I realized I was seeing a lot of the same themes. Paw prints, yarn balls, and pretty much anything portraying cats as gentle, sweet princes and princesses. Meanwhile, Batman was trying to shove his butt in my face, Chi was trying to use the litter box while my husband was scooping it, and my mom was complaining about how she'd have to replace her clawed up couch when we moved out. I wondered, "do the people who made those prints even have cats? Because cats are assholes. Adorable and lovable, but still assholes." (Anyone remember this embroidery pattern? It's relevant.)

I designed Caturday to tell the true story about our feline friends. Litter Glitter depicts those awful pee clumps you scoop out of the litter box. Cat Scratch Fever is your ruined couch. Assterisk buttholes. (Here's a relevant comic I did back in college.)

One of my favorite parts of the range are the two border prints that I designed specifically for garments. The scale works for both adults and children's clothing. Check out this lovely dress by Lucy, @SmileandMake.

But of course, we can't forget the quilts! I have three new quilt patterns available to coordinate with Caturday: Pretty Paws, Caturday Medallion, and Fishbones. All are available as PDF downloads through my Craftsy shop, but Pretty Paws and Caturday Medallion are also being offered as paper patterns in quilt kits through local quilt shops. Be sure to ask your local shop if they plan on offering the kit!

A fourth pattern, Kira Kira, is available in issue 52 of Love Patchwork & Quilting magazine.

The collection has 24 prints in all and is in stores now! For more project inspiration, view the look book or check out #CaturdayFabric on Instagram (and tag your Caturday projects too!). If you need something small to get you started, give the Fat Cat Softie a try with my free tutorial.


To celebrate the launch of Caturday, I'm doing two giveaways for a fat quarter bundle of the collection. One here, and one on my Instagram. To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment below! I'll pick a random winner on October 23rd. To enter my Instagram giveaway, check the post here.

Be sure to follow along with my friends for the rest of the Caturday blog hop!

Blog Hop Schedule 

October 16 - I Am Luna Sol (Me!)
October 17 - @iamlunasol Instagram Giveaway
October 18 - Kate Basti
October 19 - Modern Handcraft *Delayed until Oct. 20th*
October 20 - Gnome Angel
October 22 - Sew Sweetness Facebook Live stream @ 5pm CST


  1. Cute collection. I like the way the cats look like they've been 'up to something.' sjvonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  2. Love your fabrics. This collection is adorable!

  3. Beautiful bundle!!! Would love to win. Would make a great lap quilt.

  4. Cats are some of the most loveable assholes around! I’d love to make some cute little things for my friend’s cat if this giveaway came my way. The pretty kitty’s name is Joephi and she’s scared me half to death a couple oftimes. She quietly jumped up behind me and meowed right in my ear! I startled and tumbled of the couch in a mess of flailing limbs. I nearly concussed myself on the coffee table. Good times, hahaha.

  5. These cats are fabulous. Love the colors, too. I'm a crazy cat (fabric) lady and when you started teasing your new line, I put it on my "gotta have!" list.

  6. I love these fabrics and those faces are too much! You definitely captured the "cat-itude" of felines everywhere!

  7. I am definitely making several quilts out of Caturday fabric!!!

  8. This is fabulous, I love cats!!! Right now my husband and I are sad because we can't have a cat, but how perfect would it be to have some cute cat fabric! It's not quite the same, but pretty close!!

  9. There was the time my cat woke me up by putting her paw in my mouth!! Caturday fabric is gorgeous!

  10. Your fabric is great. I especially love the scratch fabric

  11. I love the fabric! Thank you for the giveaway!

  12. This new cat line of fabric speaks perfectly to our boy, Toulee!!


  14. I could use this fabric giveaway. I foster cats for our county and make cat and dog beds for them.

  15. Cat-tastic fabrics! I would love to work with these sweet beauties!~

  16. Cute! My daughter in law would love a quilt made from this.

  17. Caturday is certainly a unique and wonderful collection! Cats are so deserving of their own fabric and making them the star! Like cats, this bundle has personality and spunk!

  18. Fun fabrics! Cats are definitely cute and complex, and have independent spirits.

  19. Love these prints... and I might have to embroider that pattern for a friend of mine who just lost one of her cats

  20. Your post made me laugh out loud :). I have three cats like the ones you described. I love them dearly, but yes, they are by no means sweet. Thanks for the chance to win this delightful fabric.

  21. I'm in love with this collection! I have a cat who is a bossy one, so I get the struggle

  22. Great collection, love the fabrics. The dress is wonderful. Jmikebalou (at) aol (dot) com

  23. Your Fabric is magnificent! I would love to win give away and make several of the projects I have seen here and on Instagram. I have a 14 year old cat who has always had this hissing problem. You will be petting her and she is purring away and two seconds later she turns around and hisses at you like you like you are evil and then jumps down hissing at anyone in her path. Yet, get this, about a minute later here she comes again begging to be petted again. Cats definitely have their own rules that we are supposed to live by! That is one of the reasons they are so magnificent!

  24. Love this collection!

  25. Miaow!! Great line and love the colours

  26. I have been waiting patiently for your new fabric line-- just love the colors and the patterns! Thanks!

  27. I laughed out loud when I read your inspiration for this line. Cats are such lovable a--holes! Great interpretation of their chutzpah!

  28. i love that your line celebrates the asshole in every cat. :) i have two of my own and i wouldn't trade them in for all the fabric in a quilt shop. but they can be little jerks...hehehe. thanks for the chance to win some of your awesome fabric!

  29. I'm so excited for this fabric! I love all the details!

  30. Cats are such funny creatures. Very entertaining on one hand and snobbish on the other. Love your new fabric collection. Thanks for the giveaway. grinnie1961 at gmail dot com

  31. My girls and I love cats. I would love to try that cat swirl! 😻

  32. This is such a cute line! I love all the crazy kitties! Thank you for the awesome giveaway.

  33. I can relate to the kitties with attitudes. Such a sweet collection. The hop will be a fun one!

  34. I love these adorable fabrics! Thank you for doing a giveaway! I'm totally gonna make that fat cat softie if I win, haha! Good luck everyone!

  35. Litter Glitter? Too funny! I say do us a favor and DON’T clean up your act! 😝😂😻

  36. Awesome fabric Softener! Love the color palette and your fur babies are adorabl! mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com

  37. The kitty butthole print makes me laugh. Thank you for making it!

  38. Cats are amazing little snots!! I own 5, then my daughter moved in and brought hers with her, which makes 6! On top of that she fell in love with another one and brought him home. They all have their own unique cat-onalities! They love to play there sneaky little games with you or against each other. But we love them just the same. I couldn't picture life without even one of them! 😍 I would love to make a few of your quilts and use the fabric you designed for clothing around the outside edge of the quilt with scallopes following your design.

  39. I’m so excited for this line! 2 cat assholes at my house so the need for this fabric is great! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  40. Cute!
    drlbennett at gmail dot com

  41. But they're so loveable (when they want to be)! Looks like a fun line of fabrics, and I love the colors!

  42. I have two little "stinker butts", as I loving call my two kitties, Jasmine and Nala. We are honored they grace us with their presence! Cute collection and a great color palette.

  43. I love the cats and all of the pink tones!

  44. I love your fabric and cat attitude. Cats are real jerks as you well know. I would love some of your fabric to make my cat loving niece a quilt! Thanks

  45. I am a cat lover, this dress is amazing! I have a great granddaughter that would awesome in this border print. Thanks for opportunity to win and I'll be checking my shops for Caturday.

  46. Cute! Gotta love cats...even when they are being catty.

  47. Love the colours and the cats. Mustang and Sally both like to sit an any quilt I have, they don't mind if i am trying to quilt it.
    Mustang has a sneaky habit licking his paw, after dipping in my drinks and he dosen't mind if it is coffee or a gin & tonic!

  48. This fabric is different and neat. Lots of possibilities for projects.

  49. Ugghhhh these fabrics! They're delightful. And I'm not even a cat person! But I need them so I can make pressies for my cat-people friends ��

  50. I absolutely love the colors you used for the collection, and hehe to the asterisks :)

  51. I've been savings bits to make a crazy cat lady quilt. These are perfect!

  52. What a great collection to finally get cats as they are truly loved and known!! Ha! And I love the colors, so bright and cheerful. Also, I am so bummed that I missed your Kickstarter for the Cat-mas flair!! I hope it made your goal because I LOVE them all especially the cat trap bonus one!

  53. I collect cat prints, so this collection will go right on my wishlist! Love them all!

  54. What cute prints! I love all of the patterns as well!

  55. I'm so excited I cannot wait to see this line in person and I just found the softie tutorial & pattern my nieces are going to love it, can't wait

  56. Life would be too quiet without my two kitties. I love how the designs make light of the not-so-pleasant parts.

  57. How cute! I am a big fan of kitties and will look for your fabric.
