Mendocino Mermaid Embroidery

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Since the current seasons of Vikings and Hannibal wrapped up, my husband and I have started watching American Horror Story to fill in the void. Unfortunately I'm a bad TV-watcher who can't sit still for more than five minutes. My mother thought I would outgrow my fidgitiness, but I really think I'm beyond help at this point.

Having no quilts to bind or fabric to iron, and all of AHS season 2 ahead of us, I opted to take on another embroidery project. I wanted to do something by Heather Ross after I saw Aneela Hoey's embroidered Mendocino mermaid on Pinterest. Then I figured, why not do a different Mendocino mermaid? 
tracing the mermaid

To make the pattern, I simply traced an image of the mermaid in Adobe Illustrator, printed out the line art, and traced it onto my fabric with a water soluble marker. Stitching this beauty was quite a relaxing experience!  

mermaid in progress
After I get a few more projects cross off my to-do list, I think I might use some of my Mendocino scraps to turn this into a nice wall hanging for my someday sewing room. Sigh, but right now buying a house seems as realistic as a mermaid.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! Heather Ross's illustrations are so inspiring to me, so I hope I did her justice!


  2. To make the pattern, I simply traced an image of the mermaid in Adobe Illustrator, printed out the line art, and traced it onto my fabric with a water soluble marker. Stitching this beauty was quite a relaxing experience! best sewing machine for quilting

  3. How much space and money do you have for a machine? An embroidery-only machine, which is something Singer does not carry, can be very expensive. Also some of the embroidery-only machines, although they vary, can take up a lot of space - some of them can take up a whole wall! top reviews

  4. I think I might use some of my Mendocino scraps to turn this into a nice wall hanging for my someday sewing room Best Reverse Osmosis System Reviews

  5. Pressure Washer Reviews 2016 I think I might use some of my Mendocino scraps to turn this into a nice wall hanging for my someday sewing room.

  6. Also some of the embroidery-only machines, although they vary, can take up a lot of space - some of them can take up a whole wall giá tổ yến nuôi

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