Pattern Review: All in One Box Pouch

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Photo by Aneela Hoey
A couple weeks ago, I made a total impulse pattern purchase: the All In One Box Pouch by Aneela Hoey.  I've been working on a stack of 42 Alturas applique blocks and this pouch seemed like an ideal way to wrangle my blocks, thread assortments, and notions. The project consists of a large zippered boxy pouch with a front-mounted zipper pocket that opens like a book. Inside are two individual clear vinyl zipper pockets. The boxy pouch also has a small slip pocket on the back and the pattern includes directions for a basic rectangular pin cushion.

If you're familiar with Aneela's patterns, you may notice that this project is actually her double pocket pouch pattern attached to the front of a boxy pouch. They sell for the same price, so you might as well buy the All In One Box Pouch and get two projects in one.

The pattern is generally easy to follow and the workflow progresses naturally. Aneela incudes excellent technical diagrams for almost every step, which I really appreciate since I have a bad habit of skimming written directions.

I'm can be a bit pedantic when it comes to technical writing (hello, type A personality), so there were a few details that gave me pause. Firstly, when I was cutting my pattern pieces, I had trouble determining how to orient my fabric since I used directional prints. Aneela includes orientation diagrams for two of the pattern pieces, but there were more pieces I would have like clarification for. The measurements she provides for cutting also confused me some. Most patterns consistently give measurements as either width x length or vice versa to help you determine how to orient your fabric. The measurements in this pattern aren't consistent, so sometimes the width listed first, and other times it's the length. I periodically had to flip forward a few pages and read how each piece was going to be put together to clarify how I should orient the fabric.

Another thing I'm not keen on is the tube method of making bias tape. I read those instructions several times, and still was unable to get the achieve a single continuous piece of bias tape. After 15-20 minutes of messing with that, I gave up and followed my usual method.

Aside from those two minor hiccups, the rest was smooth sailing. I substituted By Annie's Soft & Stable for the fusible fleece because I loathe that stuff. If I could make one change next time around, I would probably add a short lunchbox type carrying handle to the top since it's substantial sized bag.

I was apprehensive about the front double pocket pouch, I'd never sewn a zipper all the way around a rectangular shape like that. It turned out to be a surprisingly painless process.

I adore my finished pouch and I think they'd make a great gifts for crafters. Heck, they could even make nice cosmetic pouches. Overall, it's a great pattern and a fun project!

Fabrics: Far Far Away by Heather Ross, Catnap by Lizzy House (binding), and Flutterby by Tula Pink (lining).


  1. Looks great. It might be a pattern I invest in as I can see loads of uses for them

  2. Looks great. It might be a pattern I invest in as I can see loads of uses for them

  3. I've been interested in trying this pattern out, what type of plastic did you buy? I have heard different opinions and I'm not sure what to go with!
