Patchwork City

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

This quilt log entry is way overdue. Like six months overdue. But it's worth it, so chill.

At Fall 2014 Quilt Market, I got my hands on a signed copy of Elizabeth Hartman's book Patchwork City as well as fat quarter bundles of the new Cotton + Steel collections. A couple of days later I realized the two were made for each other, and started chipping away at the 75 blocks every evening. From November 7th until Christmas day, I made at least one block every day. Months later, I'm baffled by how I did it all without much of a break.

It took a couple of days to get the top pieced with the Essex yarn-dyed linen background. My quilt tops tend to sit for a few days because I hate basting them. But here's the insane part. I quilted this entire queen size quilt in a single day. It was hella rough and my shoulders were on fire the next day, but it was done...I learned my lesson and I'm never doing that again.

Yep, my backing was totally a bed sheet
It wasn't until the quilt was bound and finished that I realized it didn't match a damn thing in my bedroom. So much for being my new bed quilt. I figure that once we get a house, this will be for the guest bedroom. For now, it's my travel quilt. I used it on Julia futon when we went to Quilt Con as well as at my guild's retreat. 

Name: Patchwork City

Size: 90" x 90"
Fabric: Cotton + Steel Fall 2014 collections (and a few Spring 2014 prints) and Essex yarn-dyed linen in flax
Pattern: Metro Area // Patchwork City
Quilting: Square Meander
Completed: January 10, 2015


  1. I love everything about this quilt. Beautiful!

  2. I love this thing! And it's great you used a bed sheet for backing. I'm going to do that on the quilt I'm working on for my husband right now. (#goosefeathersquilt) Nicely done!

  3. This looks great. If you love it and it makes you happy, does it matter if it doesn't match your bedroom?

  4. For the past couple of days, my Patchwork City book has been calling out to me. Now that I see your absolutely stunning quilt, I must start using my book.
