Fall 2014 Quilt Market: My Favorites!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Rather than giving you guys a long-winded description of every stinkin' thing I saw a Quilt Market, I decided it would be better to break everything down into a few more thoughtful lists. Plus, I like pretending I'm a judge on some stupid Quilt Market panel that votes people off the island. Just kidding! If anything, it's like voting people onto the island because it was so hard to keep these lists to five choices each. None of them are in any particular order, because that would just be impossible.

= Favorite Booths =

1. Amy Butler - Violette. This was the first booth I saw upon entering the convention center, and it certainly made a powerful impression. I’m a huge lover of Art Nouveau, especially anything by Alphonse Mucha, so seeing his work as part of Amy’s dreamlike booth made me freeze in place. It was so much beauty to take in, and Amy really captured the spirit of his work in her collection. I also have to mention that Amy herself looked incredible in her long, flowing dress. I never realized how tall she is either! Amy herself was very kind and easy to talk to. It was a great start to my first market experience.

2. Alexander Henry may not have any designers that are known by name, but their booth made me fangirl over them anyway. Three teepees and an adorable stitched fire took helped them win a first place booth!

3. Carolyn Friedlander - Doe. Carolyn's fabrics are known for being very understated, clean, and modern, and she translated that into a booth that I want to live in. I'm a sucker for anything mid-century (I actually have the same wooden sewing box on her coffee table), so her setup showed me that prints don't have to be super bold to make a statement when used properly. 

4. Alison Glass - Handcrafted. I'll admit, that until now, I never really understood the fuss over Alison Glass. I do own a few of her fabrics, but I use them as blenders only as an afterthought. Seeing her entire to collection together changed the way I feel about her simple designs. She has such a rich sense of color, and her fabric has a jewel-like quality. I love the way she brought all the elements of her creativity together in her booth, from her fabric, to appliqué, her patterns, etc. 

5. Art Gallery Fabrics encompasses many designers, but I'm going to cheat and count them as one because they have such an intentionally cohesive style. Maureen Cracknell especially had a great warm and rustic going with her Wild & Free collection. No wonder she won the best new exhibitor prize!

= Favorite Samples =

1. Elizabeth Olwen - Morning Song. All the dresses were gorgeous and let her fabric shine. The zippered "book" clutches were super clever. Lastly, her "Sonnet" quilt was so simply elegant that I might have to make it myself.

2. Maureen Cracknell - Wild & Free. Have you seen that dreamcatcher pillow?!

3. Anna Maria Horner - Honor Roll & Knits. AMH is usually a designer I don't get super excited about, but her fabrics make great apparel choices! I was drooling over all the great looks she had.

4. Cotton + Steel. No explanation needed.

5. Heather Bailey's adorable owls!

= Favorite Fabrics =

1. Cotton + Steel. All it. I bought the entire collection on quilting cotton, but I'm going to need some of the Rashida's rice print on canvas and a ton of that super soft double gauze. It was like fluffy cloud soft.

2. Elizabeth Olwen - Morning Song. It's that simple, earthy chic look again, so I'm in love! Consider it pre-ordered.

3. Seven Islands. Everything was just too stinking cute. So cute in fact, that I forgot to take any good photos.

4. Michael Miller Fabrics - Packmates. I lost my sh*t over these llamas. I bought a pattern from Sarah Lawson with plans to make a Packmates backpack. A dress may need to happen too.

5. Tula Pink - Elizabeth. The funny thing is, I love everything but the actual "Elizabeth" print. It just feels like a creepy decapitated head to me. But everything else was totes gorgeous. 


  1. Gahhh I am so excited about Cotton & Steel too! And I agree about the Elizabeth print, it is quite creepy lol

    1. I kinda wonder if that's what she was going for. I just can't see it in any other way.

  2. Thanks for the tour! I love Alison Glass, very pretty fabrics!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! I stupidly didn't get good photos of the pretty samples she had sewn up. :(
